Sunday 15 November 2009

The awareness that leads to slimness

I was listening to the radio the other day and noticed how many advertisements were related to Christmas - where to take the kids this Christmas, where to shop this Christmas and what to buy your loved ones this Christmas.
Well, it really must be upon us, this run up to the festive season. Now, I'd like to make a suggestion in our approach to Christmas and it is this - That we become aware of two things, in among the stress and hub-bub, and those two things are free, and will give you the gift of freedom from excess weight - they are awareness of your emotions and awareness of what your stomach is relaying to you through the hunger and fullness sensations. Yes awareness is free.

And how do I do this ? How do I increase my awareness of both my stomach' sensations and my emotions? This is a good question and the answer is - the 'Am I hungry?' free download from my site
So give yourself the gift of 'awareness that leads to slimness' and let me know of your experiences if you like.
Lets make the run-up to Christmas a good one!

Sunday 1 November 2009

The goal of stopping when full

Getting into the habit of eating when hungry and stopping when full is our goal and the major key in losing excess weight for good, but it doesn't always happen overnight.

When I started running self-help support groups for compulsive eating women in '94 I called my workshops 'Healing the Eating Habit,' because more and more I was given reason to believe that we are breaking a habit in this weight loss game - the habit of eating when full. Yes, eating when physically full, is all we have to give up, in order to lose excess weight for good.
The thing is when we are compulsive eaters, whether we are carrying a little or a lot of excess weight, to be told to stop when full is sometimes a little like a heron addict or an alcoholic being told to just quit the drugs or drink. It is not always that easy.
Why? Because eating when full, smoking, drinking or drug taking serves a purpose and that purpose is the suppression of feelings - specifically uncomfortable feelings.
If we sort the feelings / emotional issues out we automatically sort the compulsion to eat when full out because they are not separated they are linked.
If we sort the feelings / emotional issues out then we automatically sort the alcohol / drug problem out for they are linked.

How else can I deal with those uncomfortable feelings / emotional issues that I have suppressed with food when full? -This is the question we are asking ourselves on our journey to becoming slim for good.
Let me know your comments