Monday 24 February 2014

What is Suppression?

Suppression is one way of dealing with an unresolved emotional issue or feeling with which we may be uncomfortable. Suppression involves indulging in addiction (eating when full), which in turn serves the purpose of putting the feelings or emotional issue firmly under wraps, below our level of awareness, into the subconscious. This takes a lot of energy to put a feeling into suppression. Suppression looses its appeal when we find another way of dealing with those self-same feelings and emotional issues.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Addiction is a Symptom

We must remember that addiction is any activity that enables us to suppress our feelings. From eating when full to shooting heroin, from working too much to smoking, from binge drinking to staying with an abusive partner, addiction is rife within our world today.
This is a problem, but it is also the symptom of a deeper problem, and that is my work - highlighting and dealing with that deeper problem. That deeper problem is what fuels the addiction, it is that deeper problem that causes cravings and withdrawal. It is that deeper problem, that we, as recovering addicts, need to always be aware of and actively working on and resolving.
It is a different way of life I am speaking about here: The resolving of emotional issues rather than the suppressing of emotional issues. The being aware of how we feel rather than being blind to how we feel. This consciousness of who you are and what you want and love in life, and actively being involved in that rather that being actively involved in addiction; be it eating when full or any of the many addictions available today you can give it up and give it up for good, but two things are essential - resolving emotional stuff and being creative ie do what you love.

Until next time, have an addiction free day,

Sofia x