Thursday, 20 November 2014


Here is a piece of poetry that came to me as I cycled home today.

Stealing time from fear.
Stealing time from stress.
and giving it to Grace,
giving it to peace.

 I have always loved cycling and use it as my mode of transport in busy Cardiff city. I have recently taken a small chance on doing a workshop on the topic I love  - Healing the Eating Habit - I risked losing money but I took the risk and once I made the decision to go ahead and do the workshop, I felt at ease because I knew I was being true to my heart. And that is all i have ever been doing in this life - being true to my heart. 
And then I realized that I am totally supported in this like I have always been; even though I don't always feel it.
 Being true to yourself becomes a way of life when you give up eating when full or any addiction for that matter.
Are you ready to make following your heart your way of life?

I thought of a time when I lived in London and had some financial challenges. I remember staying in my boyfriends flat in West Hampstead and sitting in the small living room looking out into the garden and feeling totally content, allowing, what I call today - Grace, into my being. Feeling at peace even though challenges were present. 
And that is when the thought that we steal time from stress, worry and fear and give it to grace - isn't that what the ancient and modern Mystics do? Spend time in Grace instead of worry, stress or fear.

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