Monday, 8 February 2010

Becoming a non-judgmental observer

Let yourself become the non-judgemental observer of your own compulsive cravings, and should you find yourself giving in to those cravings,(whether it is food when full or smoking) simply allow yourself to become the non-judgemental observer of your own compulsive activity, for believe it or not, this non-judgemental attitude actually helps us change the habits we wish to change within ourselves.
So this applies to eating when full or smoking or any other addiction and quite literally means - Don't beat yourself up about it. For it makes it even more difficult to refrain from eating when full or any addiction when you are busy berating yourself every time you make a mistake and slip into a bit of eating when full / addiction partaking. So learn to be easy on yourself, for a little bit of backsliding and mistake making is part and parcel of learning the art of altering and changing habits of behaviour.
So remind yourself often - I now allow myself to be the non-judgemental observer of my own compulsive tendencies - I now allow myself to be an non-judgemental observer of any eating when full that I might do as I continues to practice bringing in, the ability, to stop when full. Thus I empower myself to change in healthy ways.
Resolving the emotional issues that underlie all cravings is the only thing that is going to enable you to give up indulging in any addiction, and remember eating when full is at best a bad habit and at worst an addiction - an addiction to food when you are already physically full. And like all addictions it serves a purpose and that purpose is the suppression of emotions. The more we feel our feelings and find new ways, to deal with, our emotional stuff, the less cravings we get - So continuing asking - What feeling is this? any time you crave anything - food when full or a cigarette or a drink - And then, Given the fact I feel this way what would I like to do now? For this taps you into some ideas of how best to deal with that emotional stuff that was at the back of your cravings and tendency towards addiction.
It is possible to live an addiction free life. Give it a go. It is very interesting.
x Sofia

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