Sunday, 21 February 2010

How to be content regardless

We binge because of unmet needs and unresolved emotional issues.
We smoke because of unmet needs and unresolved emotional issues.
We partake in addiction because of unmet needs and unresolved emotional issues.
We overwork, overspend stay in abusive relationships, because of unmet needs and unresolved emotional issues.
We drink, gamble, watch stuff on TV that we are not really interested in because of unmet needs and unresolved emotional issues.
So we see, the 'eating when full', the smoking, the partaking in addiction is one problem, but there is also another problem - the unmet needs and the unresolved emotional issues. These are the root problems if you like, the real cause. In being able to deal with unmet needs we free ourselves from addiction. How do we deal with an unmet need? Well ask yourself, any time you pinpoint a need - such as the need for a lover, a car, freedom from domineering parents or spouse, a house, a career, more money , slimness etc. And ask 'How can I be happy even without this in my life? Yes Ask yourself - How can I feel good now, without partaking in my addiction? This is a good question to ask yourself and have fun playing around with the answers you get.
For the ultimate truth is we can be content even without the house, the car, the lover, the money, the career and also without addiction to buffer the uncomfortable emotions associated with not having the object of our desire. When we can find the key to happiness regardless, then we have the opportunity of an open door and a way forward will present itself to us. What we desire will show up more easily and we will be able to accept it more easily, for we are no longer coming from a needy place but from a place of fullness.
There is always something we need, and to learn how to be content, happy and okay in the space we are now, before that which we need shows up, is an art in life, in fact it is the art of happiness, positive manifestation and deeply meaningful and authentic living. Not always easy, but what the hey.
x Sofia

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