Sunday 10 April 2011

Heart and mind slimness

True and lasting slimness is about what goes on in our hearts and minds as much as it is about what goes into our stomachs. Our eating is one thing, our emotions are another, but when you are a compulsive eater your eating and emotions are entangled.
Letting go of compulsive eating first and foremost involves separating these two things, eating and emotions, and you can do this by practising the formula - I'm physically hungry - I eat, I'm physically full - I stop eating. This is keeping eating separate from emotions.
Eating and emotions get entangled when you say - 'I'm full, I'm bored, I'll eat.'
Any time your action is that of 'I'm full, I'll eat,' know that your eating and emotions are entangled, for any eating when full is done for emotional reasons.
Go a level deeper by asking - 'What emotion is this? What feeling is this that drives me to eat when full?'
Yes, really get into this habit, through repetition - any time you want to eat when full ask yourself - 'What feeling is this that is driving me to eat when full?'
This is one of the first steps on the journey out of compulsive eating and towards true and lasting slimness.
Resolving anything that troubles your heart and mind, also resolves what causes your habit of overeating.