Thursday 5 February 2015

Integrating Feelings - what it means

When we allow our discomfort, it can be allowed to flow into comfort. Transmute, if you like, or integrate. To integrate a feeling all we have to do is feel that feeling, not suppress it, not even necessarily express it, but just feel, experience, allow that feeling room in your life, room in your experience to simply be, and thus as you are aware of it you can also be aware of it transmuting, flowing, changing into another feeling. Feelings are like water they flow.
Suppressing a feeling through eating when full is an inappropriate and damaging-to-ourselves activity. It causes us to gain weight and suffer health issues related to excess weight.
From my years of compulsive eating and my experience of recovering from compulsive eating I draw these conclusions on how to lose excess weight for good.

  • Loving and taking care of yourself as regards emotions and feelings has not been taught appropriately or accurately via our families or the diet industry.
  • Often fat is a layer of 'protection' against life and its 'knocks' - so in endeavoring to lose excess weight, we, on a subconscious level, don't want to 'lose' our layer of protection. so we have a subconscious sabotage going on that needs to be addressed before weight loss can be successful and permanent.
  • Uncovering and addressing the previously hidden fears around being slim and the slim lifestyle we feel we would have slim, is necessary.
  • Emotional work is key in weight loss - permanent weight loss. If you are not prepared to feel the feelings that eating when full helps you suppress, you will be overweight forever.
  • It is not as hard as you think, but your ego will fight you every step of the way, because weight loss this way, is the death of the ego. 
  • The death of the ego simply means the birth of your creativity, your uniqueness, and a life deeply rooted in unconditional love, like a phoenix rising from the ashes of the death of the ego you emerge as a permanently-slim-you: a you who no longer suppresses his/ her emotional stuff by eating when already physically full of food.