Wednesday 5 October 2011

We know what to eat

We know what to eat, we know what we should be eating, and what we should not be eating. I know I did when I was a compulsive eater wanting to lose weight.
In recovering from my compulsion to eat when full and in my work helping people lose excess weight for good, I clearly see that we all know what we should and should not be eating. So focusing on what we should and should not be eating is not focusing on the real issue in the game of how to lose excess weight for good - it is a side issue - the main issue is a little harder to face, and it is this - Why we can't impliment that knowledge? Why can't we have the extent of control over our eating patterns that means we can stop when full 100% of the time and mainly eat the foods we know are good for us while those that are not so good for us, keep to a minimum?
Well the answer as you may already know, is - emotional.
This is why resolving emotional issues is always at the root of permanent, natural weight loss. We have two things going on at a time - the compulsion to eat when full and often the 'wrong' foods' when full, and at the same time the knowlege that what we are doing is not that good for us and also the realisation that our control over that is limited because an emotion we simply do not know how to deal with, is coming into our awareness, and we feel like we want to run away from it because it is so uncomfortable and that is our way of dealing with it - to eat when full to suppress it, yes, to binge on foods that do not make us feel good helps us suppress our uncomfortable emotions.
So ask yourself - What emotion would I feel if I did not eat when full? Or What emotions are repeatedly behind my urge to eat when full or eat the 'wrong' foods?
Think back to the last time you overate on something you knew was 'bad' for you - Ask yourself - If I hadn't eaten that, what emotion would have come up? and then ask yourself - How else could I have dealt with that emotion? What action, if any, was that emotion urging me to take?
Honour all that you know and all that you are learning in this mystical journey towards true and lasting slimnesss.
So until next time, wishing you,
love and inner insight that may lead you forward to true slimness.