Saturday 15 March 2014

Becoming Slim

Becoming slim is about looking at the reasons why we have eaten when full in the past, and why we are still drawn to eat when full now, in the present. So take a moment and ask yourself  - What are my reasons for eating when full?

Here are some common reasons for eating when full:

I won't have time to eat later.

I paid for this meal so I am going to eat it.

There is still food on my plate, it would be a waste to bin it.

I can't stop eating.

Well I ate it so quickly that it is only now, after I've eaten, that I realise I'm positively stuffed.

What could you tell yourself to help you make these reasons, no longer good enough reasons, to eat when full?

My workshops, telephone consultations, skype sessions and one to one sessions and books cover this issue of how to let nothing be a good enough reason to eat when full.

It is fascinating and fun to lose weight this real and authentic way.

To book a session / workshop check out my face book page - True Slimness or email me:

Until next time


Sofia x

Wednesday 5 March 2014


I've noticed recently how much time, people I've been in conversation with, spend on complaining or talking about various problems in their lives as well as the terrible news stories, without really talking time to talk about the possible solutions.  And we all know that solutions do exist.

To me talking about and involving oneself in the solution, focusing on the solution, is creativity. Actually focusing on problems is also creativity - negative creativity. We stunt our own growth, our own wellness, our own peace of mind when we focus on the problems or issues in our lives for too long, without giving a moments thought to the many do-able solutions available. So getting on to the solution is a very positively creative act.

People are surprised and stop to think when I ask them - 'My goodness, so what can you do about this?' when they talk about an issue in their own lives. I remind them, as I often remind myself, that there is a thought, a conversation and an action that can be taken to help remedy the situation. It could be move house, talk to a friend, seek a job, don't give up, seek counselling or a Drs opinion, forgive, journal, write to the local press, put an ad in the paper, do on line dating - there are so, so, so many solutions to the many problems and issues that can cause you to dive head first into the biscuit tin with an already full stomach, or light a fag or take a drink.

It is a learned habit to focus on the solution and is an act of creativity. It is another piece of the puzzle that makes up a life free from suppression of emotion and life. A life where compulsive eating / over eating is dropped bit by bit until it is an old, discarded, dysfunctional coping mechanism. And excess weight becomes a thing of the past.

Wishing you addiction-free living

Until next time,

Sofia x