Sunday 21 February 2010

How to be content regardless

We binge because of unmet needs and unresolved emotional issues.
We smoke because of unmet needs and unresolved emotional issues.
We partake in addiction because of unmet needs and unresolved emotional issues.
We overwork, overspend stay in abusive relationships, because of unmet needs and unresolved emotional issues.
We drink, gamble, watch stuff on TV that we are not really interested in because of unmet needs and unresolved emotional issues.
So we see, the 'eating when full', the smoking, the partaking in addiction is one problem, but there is also another problem - the unmet needs and the unresolved emotional issues. These are the root problems if you like, the real cause. In being able to deal with unmet needs we free ourselves from addiction. How do we deal with an unmet need? Well ask yourself, any time you pinpoint a need - such as the need for a lover, a car, freedom from domineering parents or spouse, a house, a career, more money , slimness etc. And ask 'How can I be happy even without this in my life? Yes Ask yourself - How can I feel good now, without partaking in my addiction? This is a good question to ask yourself and have fun playing around with the answers you get.
For the ultimate truth is we can be content even without the house, the car, the lover, the money, the career and also without addiction to buffer the uncomfortable emotions associated with not having the object of our desire. When we can find the key to happiness regardless, then we have the opportunity of an open door and a way forward will present itself to us. What we desire will show up more easily and we will be able to accept it more easily, for we are no longer coming from a needy place but from a place of fullness.
There is always something we need, and to learn how to be content, happy and okay in the space we are now, before that which we need shows up, is an art in life, in fact it is the art of happiness, positive manifestation and deeply meaningful and authentic living. Not always easy, but what the hey.
x Sofia

Sunday 14 February 2010

Stopping when pysically full and creativity

I now let being physically hungry be my guide as to when I eat.
I now let being physically full be my guide as to when I stop eating.
As we move away from eating when full, smoking or any other addictions we naturally have a tendency to become more creative, and that seems to go hand in hand with being more intuitive. For your intuition will always lead you to increased creativity, and that is truly wonderful for what is created out of intuitive leanings and a joyful pull, are activities, projects and relationships that are fulfilling. We can move away from suppressing our feelings by eating when full to feeling our feelings and following our joyful feelings - they lead us to involve ourselves in activities that we enjoy and are naturally good at and will bless others for they are part and parcel of a joyful interconnectedness of gifts. It has been said that following what you love, involving yourself in what you love brings you into contact with your genius capabilities. Apparently we all have genius capabilities and they are only accessed through doing what you love. It is a wonderful thing to do what you love in this lifetime that we all have, let's not spend it binge eating, let's resolve to spend every day stopping when full and we can do that by using the free 'Am I hungry?' download from my site May permanent slimness be a reality for you now.
x Sofia

Monday 8 February 2010

Becoming a non-judgmental observer

Let yourself become the non-judgemental observer of your own compulsive cravings, and should you find yourself giving in to those cravings,(whether it is food when full or smoking) simply allow yourself to become the non-judgemental observer of your own compulsive activity, for believe it or not, this non-judgemental attitude actually helps us change the habits we wish to change within ourselves.
So this applies to eating when full or smoking or any other addiction and quite literally means - Don't beat yourself up about it. For it makes it even more difficult to refrain from eating when full or any addiction when you are busy berating yourself every time you make a mistake and slip into a bit of eating when full / addiction partaking. So learn to be easy on yourself, for a little bit of backsliding and mistake making is part and parcel of learning the art of altering and changing habits of behaviour.
So remind yourself often - I now allow myself to be the non-judgemental observer of my own compulsive tendencies - I now allow myself to be an non-judgemental observer of any eating when full that I might do as I continues to practice bringing in, the ability, to stop when full. Thus I empower myself to change in healthy ways.
Resolving the emotional issues that underlie all cravings is the only thing that is going to enable you to give up indulging in any addiction, and remember eating when full is at best a bad habit and at worst an addiction - an addiction to food when you are already physically full. And like all addictions it serves a purpose and that purpose is the suppression of emotions. The more we feel our feelings and find new ways, to deal with, our emotional stuff, the less cravings we get - So continuing asking - What feeling is this? any time you crave anything - food when full or a cigarette or a drink - And then, Given the fact I feel this way what would I like to do now? For this taps you into some ideas of how best to deal with that emotional stuff that was at the back of your cravings and tendency towards addiction.
It is possible to live an addiction free life. Give it a go. It is very interesting.
x Sofia

Saturday 6 February 2010

I've been pottering in my conservatory today. Picking off old leaves, taking a cutting from my geranium and generally taking in the look of the various plants while attempting to see to their needs in my gardening efforts. Several things struck me as I pottered that were a direct parallel to the truths, of losing weight through stopping when full and resolving emotional issues. (1) How it is important to be gentle and loving as you progress. (2) Cutting back leads to new growth. (3) The seed grows in the dark trusting that all the light, water, and nourishment it needs, will be there.
So, as you continue with the 'Am I hungry?' free download from my site remember (1) Be gentle and loving with yourself. (2) Pruning away the old habit of 'eating when full' leads to the growth or emergence of the slim you. And (3) Trust that when you crave to eat when full, and ask 'What feeling is this?'and then 'Given the fact I feel this way what would I like to do now?' that you will indeed, find the answer, that is easy to follow and is your alternative to 'the binge'.
x Sofia

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Eating when full is food addiction

I have often mentioned in my support groups and one to one sessions that eating when physically full is an addiction, and that addiction is a means of coping with a life that you are not yet satisfied with. So maybe take a moment today and over the next week or so, to write down your areas of life that you are not yet satisfied with - keep it brief there is no great benefit in dwelling on your problems but rather as soon as you have acknowledged that area that is in need of evolving so to speak then immediately focus on the possible solutions and start to daydream about a wonderful solution for yourself - Yes imagine what you want in this area of your life. This, as many of you probably already know, is creative visualisation. So visualise yourself slim and healthy in satisfying work, see yourself prosperous and with an abundance of friends. This is simply one part in the many-pieced-puzzle that will get you slim for good.
x Sofia