Thursday 1 April 2010

Let's get clear about self-acceptance. It is not about simply resigning to how things are. It is not about staying the same. It is very much about change, change , change!
Self-acceptance, contrary to popular belief, actually facilitates change. Self-acceptance actually gives us our accurate starting point. It is simply saying - This is where I am, I am this weight and I have these eating habits I would like to change.
And here is the key - Self-acceptance says this without judgement. This lack of criticism about how things are, actively facilitates change. Beating yourself up, again, contrary to popular belief, does not help you change - it helps you feel miserable about yourself rather than understanding, and compassionate about yourself.
You are human, you picked up some bad eating habits that got ingrained and you were powerless to alter and change them - that is nothing to beat yourself up about - that is something to be understanding about, and simply work on in a new way.
Okay, so all the ways you have tried up till now have not helped you change those ingrained habits, that does not make you 'bad' it simply means you have not found a way that works yet. That is all. Remind yourself of this when you feel like giving out to yourself over a binge or your size and shape. And come back to the 'Am I Hungry?' download Free from and try again. Discover slimness is within your reach and self-acceptance, not self-criticism, helps you move forward with the task at hand - altering and changing your eating patterns from someone who 'eats when full' to someone who' stops when full' 100% of the time. I know you can do it - Freedom from compulsive eating awaits you.
Bye for now,
x Sofia

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