Sunday 30 May 2010

Emotional stuff

How often do we associate slimness with a problem free life? But the truth of the matter is that being slim does not mean that our problems get resolved, or automatically disappear. Of this we must remind ourselves.
The good news is that resolving our problems, does mean that we can get slim. This is because, at the back of every binge, is an emotional dilemma, an unresolved problem - this is what drives us to eat when full. The argument with your spouse, the coldness of your relationship with your mother or sister, the buried anger of something that happened ten years ago - this is the sort of emotional stuff that is really driving us to overeat, so once we have a willingness to 'go there' into the unresolved emotional stuff and deal with it in a new way (a way that involves feeling the uncomfortable feelings associated with this problem) then we are half way home and firmly putting ourselves in the position to never overeat again.
The emotional stuff that used to drive me to overeat in the past, is resolved for me now - I have no craving to eat when full because of that emotional stuff anymore, it has lost its sting, I have dealt with it and asked myself - Given the fact I feel this way what would I like to do now?' Thus tapping into my intuitive guidance for answers and suggestions for action to take if any. In this way I have become and stayed for over twenty years and moved forward in my life. This is a big part of my teaching methods for True Slimness weight loss. For more info see -
May true and lasting slimness begin for you now!

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