Thursday 2 September 2010

To be at peace with the weight you already are - the higher weight - is a necessary prerequisite to getting and staying slim.
Because being okay with the weight you are now (the higher weight) is a sign of total acceptance of yourself regardless. That means, you can say to yourself - I accept myself now regardless of what size and shape I am. I accept myself now regardless of the state of my finances. I accept myself now regardless of the state of my relationships or career.
In other words you don't have to wait until you are slim, healthy and financially prosperous before you accept yourself.
A lot of us got 'conditional' love all throughout our lives and grew up feeling we would be accepted, liked or praised (noticed even) if we we slimmer, prettier, smarter etc and the wounds of that could be at the root of our habit of 'eating when full.' So we are really bringing unconditional love into the equation here to help us change weight-gaining habits into slim-friendly habits.
So, even though the mainstream idea is - 'If I criticize myself it will help me change in positive ways,' - in fact the opposite is true. Self-criticism only serves to keep us stuck in a rut - the rut of eating when full. Self-criticism helps us feel lousy. Whereas self-acceptance helps us feel good about ourselves now and also helps us alter and change any habits we might wish to change, such as the habit of eating when full. So no longer condemn or criticize yourself for eating when full, rather accept that 'eating when ful' has simply been your learned way of dealing with emotional stuff and you are now, (with the help of the free download from - Am I hungry?), able to learn how to stop when full and resolve those emotional issues that can cause us to eat when physically full. Remember eating when full causes weight gain and stopping when full creates weight loss and natural permanent slimness. Self-acceptance creats a smooth road on which to travel as we alter and change the habits of a lifetime.

1 comment:

  1. I am printing this out and hanging it up on my wall so I can see it.
