Sunday 11 September 2011

Eating When Full

Just taking a week to focus on when you are actually full, will help you greatly in losing excess weight for good. Every time you notice yourself full yet wanting to eat more, is a time when you have power - power to deeply know what is driving you to eat when full.
As eating when full is the root cause of excess weight, you are looking at what is the cause of your excess weight every time you become aware of your emotions as you crave to eat more, even though your stomach is saying 'No thanks, I'm full right now.'
Reassurance is often good at this point as feelings of deprivation are not uncommon when we, want to eat when full but are abstaining from eating when full. Yes, reassure yourself that you can indeed eat again once some real hunger sensations start. Remind yourself, even though you feel deprived, that it is a self-abusive thing to force food (however tasty, or however craved / wanted) into your already full stomach.
And remind yourself of what the last binge felt like physically. The bloating, the tummy ache, the 'I'm far too full feeling.' That 'far too full' feeling may feel normal but it is not that comfortable the more you bring your awareness to it. Also bring awareness to the gentle reminders that your stomach is constantly relaying to you that the stopping point for eating is often before when you actually do stop. But be kind and understanding of yourself and your habits that you are brave and willing enough to be embarking on changing - This is not necessarily easy and be very kind to yourself - mistakes, slip ups and far from perfect eating is totally allowed as you master the art of stopping when full.
It is giving up an addiction - eating when full is an addiction - a crutch that is used to help deal with feelings, and the crutch can easily be dropped as you learn how else to deal with those feelings and emotional issues that drive you to the fridge when full, just as an alcoholic is driven to drink or a junkie to score.
Compassion not judgement helps you move forward and away from addiction - you can do it millions have already.
Good luck,
Until next time,
Phone sessions available (01792) 799 617

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